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Wedding rings

Family Procedure Rules Amendments – Financial Remedy Considerations

In February 2020, it was announced that a number of amendments were being made to the Family Procedure Rules. A number of those amendments specifically impact financial remedy proceedings and we will look at the new rules before considering their...

Family finance

Mock Virtual Private FDRs – All you need to know

This week saw a panel of St Philips Barristers team up with West Midlands YResolution to jointly host a Mock Private FDR to demonstrate, explain and discuss the use of Private FDR’s in Financial Remedy cases. The participants consisted of a...

Molly Giles

When is it unfair to conduct a hearing remotely? A look at Re P (A Child: Remote Hearing) [2020] EWFC 32

by Molly Giles, Barrister. In the current climate the court and all parties are having to grapple with the thorny issue of the appropriateness for a family law hearing to proceed remotely; particularly concerning contested issues. Experience...

St Philips Chambers reception

Remote Paperless Working Guides

St Philips Family Law Practice Group have put together a series of short videos to assist you with remote paperless working, please follow the links below: A guide to Dropbox by Bethany Armitage How to get the most out of zoom by Bethany Armitage...

Bethany Armitage

Pupillage Diary – Bethany Armitage

  Bethany Armitage, Pupil Barrister First six pupil The phrase ‘time flies when you are having fun’ doesn’t even begin to cover the speed in which my first six has gone. As I begin my second six it seems as though it was only yesterday...

Gemma Bowes

Vaccination of Children in Care

T (A child)[2020] EWHC 220 (Fam) In the coming weeks and months, we are likely to be hearing more and more about a vaccine against coronavirus, and possible pressure and expectations to relax the...

St Philips Chambers reception

Five St Philips barristers in the Court of Appeal

Jack Redmond, Julie Sparrow, William Horwood, Karl Rowley QC and Christopher Rank. St Philips family team in Court of Appeal over disallowed application for expert evidence in tragic public law children case Five members of St Philip’s family...

St Philips Chambers reception

Two of the biggest Barrister’s Chambers unite in face of family law Coronavirus crisis

Two of the country’s biggest barrister’s chambers are collaborating, as some of the UK’s top legal experts offer expert advice during the coronavirus pandemic. St Philips Chambers and No 5 Chambers are teaming up to host a webinar, to explain...