Costs and Case Management Conferences

Members of the team appear on a very regular basis for Claimants and Defendants in CCMCs in the County and High Courts where directions need to be determined in cases worth £25,000 to many millions and where costs budgets range from £50,000 to £400,000, or more.

The experience of members in running and advising on cases from the earliest stages to trial ensures that they are fully familiar with the entire litigation process on the multi-track. Strategic advice as to statements of case, disclosure, witness evidence, expert witness requirements and evidence, and trial preparation is routinely given and arms advocates with the necessary knowledge to argue costs budgets. Members tend not to require the assistance of costs lawyers at CCMC and combine their experience, technical knowledge and pragmatism to achieve the best possible outcomes as to directions and budgets in higher-value personal injury, travel and clinical negligence cases.

Our Costs and Case Management Conferences Barristers:

Please get in touch with our dedicated personal injury and clinical negligence clerking team with any questions regarding our service and expertise.

Oliver Edwards, Janita Patel, Jackie Chu and Olivia Middleton. +44 (0)121 246 7015
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