Intellectual Property

The work we undertake is concerned principally with the enforcement and exploitation of UK domestic and European Community intellectual property rights and their compatibility with the UK and European Community competition law.

St Philips’ IP barristers undertake all areas of IP litigation in both the High Court and the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court as well as in mediations and arbitration proceedings. Specifically, our work includes:

  • PATENTS: Our work in relation to Patents covers patent infringement, questions of entitlement and ownership and disputes in relation to validity, both in litigation before the civil courts and proceedings before the UK Patent Office. Our specialist IP practitioner is regularly involved in patent litigation embracing a number of major areas of technology, including electrical and mechanical engineering, computer software, information technology and consumer products
  • REGISTERED TRADE MARKS, PASSING OFF: Work in this area covers registered trade and service marks, passing off, domain name disputes (Nominet and ICANN procedures), sports and character merchandising, corporate sponsorship, franchising, product and packaging design, the Company Names Tribunal, unfair competition, and trade libel as well as counterfeiting and criminal remedies. We undertake opposition and revocation proceedings in the UK Trade Marks Registry at UKIPO and, in relation to Community Trade Marks, at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM). In connection with the latter, we can assist with and appear in appeals to the CJEU.
  • COPYRIGHT: The work in this area extends over the whole range of works entitled to copyright protection including literary, musical and artistic works, computer software and semiconductor topography, and also particular works such as photographs, films, television programmes, video games and internet websites.
  • DESIGN RIGHTS: We regularly advise on and litigate disputes relating to rights in designs, both registered and unregistered at UK national and European Community level.
  • DATABASE RIGHTS: Database rights are the most recently created of the intellectual property rights and members of chambers advise and litigate in relation to the applicability of the EC Database Directive and the corresponding UK regulations across a wide range of commercial and industrial activity.
  • CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS: We offer advice and advocacy services in relation to claims for breach of confidence and trade secrets including those involving misappropriation of trade secrets by former directors or employees. Typical actions involve subject matter ranging from secret industrial processes to customer/supplier databases, price lists and business plans. We are familiar with the other issues that arise in such situations (breach of duty of fidelity, breach of contractual restraints, breach of fiduciary duty) as well as pure trade secrets issues. In addition to commercial secrets, members of the group advise and act in cases involving personal confidential information, including the phone hacking litigation involving News International and the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire.
  • DATA PROTECTION & FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: The group undertakes work in this field, acting both for data controllers and data subjects.
  • COMMERCIAL LAW IN SPECIALIST AREAS: including information technology, computer contracts, franchising, and interrelated areas of European and UK competition and trade practices law, other contractual disputes with significant technical content and those relating to the creative industries.
  • PROFESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE IN SPECIALIST IP AREAS: We act and advise in relation to professional liability claims involving IP rights against both lawyers and other IP professionals including Patent and Trade Mark Agents St Philip’s IP group also presents seminars on current IP issues for small and large groups both in our own facilities and at client’s premises. We are always willing to produce seminars to meet a client’s particular

Intellectual Property, in all its forms, is of fundamental importance both to individuals and, in particular to businesses of all sizes. Historically, IP expertise at the English Bar has been limited to a small number of Chambers located in London.  Outside London, specialist knowledge of IP has typically been confined to a small number of individual practitioners who have offered such advice only as part of a wider commercial practice.

The work we undertake is concerned principally with the enforcement and exploitation of UK domestic and European Community intellectual property rights and their compatibility with the UK and European Community competition law.

Our Intellectual Property Barristers:

Please get in touch with our dedicated business and property clerking team with any questions regarding our service and expertise.

Justin Luckman, Ross Hands, Jake Smithers and Tom Kelly. +44 (0) 121 246 7010
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News News


John Aldis
Business & Property

John Aldis Secures Reverse Summary Judgment in Pre-Emption Clause Dispute

John Aldis secured a reverse summary judgment against the Claimant lessor of a public library who was claiming specific performance of a right of pre-emption. The Claimant sought an order...

Charles Towl
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The Worst Secret Santa? Reflections on Hirachand v Hirachand and Anor [2024]...

On 18 December 2024, the Supreme Court delivered its much-anticipated decision in Hirachand, holding that Conditional Fee Agreement (“CFA”) success fees cannot be recovered as part of an applicant’s financial needs...

Anthony Verduyn
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Anthony Verduyn Shifts Focus to Mediation after 30 years at...

After more than 30 years as a barrister in Birmingham and tenant of Chambers, Anthony Verduyn is leaving practice to dedicate himself to mediations and judicial work.  Anthony has been...

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Probate & Trusts Q1 2025 Update

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Gavin McLeod
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2024: Signposts from Right of Way Litigation

Right of way disputes are amongst the most common for a property practitioner, but they can be complex and give rise to heavy evidential burdens in preparing cases. As to...

debrifed newsletter
Business & Property

deBriefed – December 2024

We welcome you to our last newsletter of 2024. As the year draws to a close, we look at the work barristers in the group have been undertaking in the...

Ali Tabari
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Ali Tabari represents Claimant in High Court shareholding dispute involving...

Ali Tabari acted for the Claimant in a High Court trial concerning a company whose shareholding was the subject of a dispute involving 4 brothers. The Claim had been pleaded...

David Nuttall
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Historic Neglect in Service Charge Disputes: Lessons from the Four...

Anyone regularly acting in service charge disputes will have come across the concept of “historic neglect”.  At one end of the spectrum, service charge demands will be met with a...

Alexander Bradford
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When to Oppose or Consent to an Application for Relief...

Practitioners may sometimes be in doubt whether to consent to or oppose an application for relief from sanctions. The Court of Appeal in Denton v TH White Ltd [2014] EWCA...

Business & Property

Trips, Traps & Triumphs: Practical Thinking for Contested Wills &...

You are warmly invited to our upcoming legal conference, “Trips, Traps, and Triumphs: Practical Thinking for Contested Wills and Estates.” This free event will feature engaging presentations from our expert...