News & Events

See all our latest news, blogs and events here:

Lisa Hancox

Causation in Gross Negligence Manslaughter – Keeping the Criminal Standard Alive

R -v- Broughton [2020] EWCA Crim 1093 The expert evidence of a 90% chance of survival did not exclude the realistic possibility that, even with treatment, the deceased would have died in any event. “Put another way, if an operation carried a...

Juliet Allen

St Philips member wins Worcestershire Barrister of the Year award

We are honoured to announce that Juliet Allen, one of our family team, has been given the accolade of The Worcestershire Law Society Barrister of the Year for 2020. Despite the current restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, the event took...

St. Philips Chambers
Business & Property

The Resumption of Part 55 CPR Possession Cases An Outline of Practice and Procedure

Introduction Amidst the latest news of supposed doom and gloom by the government, there has been a significant (and if you are a landlord, a somewhat positive) development: by way of a statement from the Master of the Rolls, Sir Terence Etherton, on...

St. Philips Chambers

Regulatory Group Autumn Newsletter

Introduction by Jonathan Barker, Editor Welcome to the St Philips Regulatory Group’s Autumn newsletter. We hope that you have managed to make the best of the Summer. Since our last newsletter in April, members of the group have been busy advising...

St Philips Chambers reception

Success for St Philips Barristers in £1m confiscation proceedings test case

In a Court of Appeal case (London Borough of Islington v Bajaj [2020] EWCA Crim 1111), St Philips Richard Atkins QC leading colleague Ben Close, have defeated the London Borough of Islington’s “test-case” confiscation proceedings for almost...

St Philips' Atrium
General News

55 Temple Row Reopens

We are delighted to announce that our offices at 55 Temple Row are once again open. Ensuring the safety of our clients, barristers and staff remain our number one priority. Following a recently conducted risk assessment of our premises, all areas of...

Jess Philips
General News

St Philip’s chosen to play a central role in Art4Charity project

St Philips Chambers is honoured to be welcoming many prominent figures of Birmingham in the upcoming weeks as we play our part in promoting a very worthy cause. We are honoured that the Art4Charity project has chosen St Philips Chambers HQ in the...

EFL and Sheffield Wednesday logos
Business & Property

English Football League –v- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club

John Randall QC and Mark Grant (along with Nick De Marco QC),instructed by Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP, acted for Sheffield Wednesday in arbitral and disciplinary proceedings between the EFL and the Club relating to its sale of the Hillsborough...