News & Events

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St Philips reception

COVID Employment Issues (and how to resolve them)

Join Anthony Johnston and Francis Mortin of St Philips Chambers in conjunction with Leeds Law Society for a discussion on: COVID Employment Issues (and how to resolve them) As more employees begin to return to the workplace, so the range of...

St Philips Chambers Atrium
Personal Injury

Individuals and the court process: Proposed changes to CPR 45 in light of recent amendments to the overriding objective

A specialist personal injury barrister discusses proposed amendments to CPR 45, in the context of the recent update pertaining to vulnerable witnesses.  Such changes not only take greater account of individual differences, but also put to bed long...

Sarah George

Appointment of a Salaried Employment Judge of the Employment Tribunals (England and Wales): Sarah George

St Philips Employment is delighted to share the news that the Ministry of Justice has just announced the appointment of Sarah George as a Salaried Employment Judge....

Joe Wilson
General News

Joe Wilson talks to Chartered Management Institute (CMI) about the return to the office

As employers across the country look to get staff back to the workplace, The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) asked Joe Wilson, Chambers Director how St Philips are navigating a successful return to the office. Joe offers his advice including the...

St Philips Chambers reception

ELA & Birmingham Law Society: The ‘new normal’: the employment law considerations of lifting Covid restrictions

Free Webinar, Thursday 27th May 2021 16:15-17:15 The event will be chaired by Jog Hundle, Employment Partner from Mills and Reeve, and will be joined by the following key panellists: Kam Bains, Senior Legal Adviser from Make UK, The Manufacturers’...

Sofia Ashraf
Personal Injury

Part 36 Offers : Children and Protected Parties Wormald -v- Ahmed [2021] EWHC 973 (QB)

In claims concerning a child or a protected party, acceptance of a Part 36 offer is subject to the approval process under Part 21. Consequently, the accepted Part 36 offer is not deemed binding until the court approves the same. What would happen if...

Jonathan Gale
Business & Property

Jonathan Gale gives expert comment on Aldi vs M&S cake dispute

TechRound recently invited a panel of legal experts to discuss the legal action over M&S Colin the Caterpillar brand and it’s issues with Aldi’s similar cake. Jonathan said: “This case between M&S and Aldi is about brand protection as...

St Philips Chambers reception
General News

Many congratulations to Regional Employment Judge Lorna Findlay on her recent appointment

It is a richly deserved recognition of years of support and encouragement that she has provided to the legal sector. At St Philips employment, we’re especially proud to be associated with Lorna who practiced successfully for many years including as...