Jonathan Gale
Jonathan Gale


Jonathan Gale appears regularly in the High Court and County Court on a range of commercial and property-related matters. In addition to his practice as a barrister, he is a qualified mediator and a member of the CIArb.

Jonathan regularly advises on property, including disputes regarding rights of way,  trusts of land and commercial leases. He has appeared before the First Tier Tribunal of the Property Chamber.

He advises and is able to put forward a robust case in negotiation and mediation to achieve very good results.

He appeared in the Court of Appeal in the case of Clapham and others v Narga [2024] EWCA Civ 1388

which concerned adverse possession and land registration.

He appeared successfully for the internet music publisher Moviebox (International) in the case of Moviebox Megastores International Limited and Oriental Start Agencies Limited v Rahi and others [2023] EWHC 501 (Ch) which involved the exposure of fraud over copyright ownership.

In that case Jonathan successfully pleaded and argued a claim in the economic tort of causing loss by unlawful means, and obtained three interim injunctions and success after a 9-day trial.

Jonathan has appeared in IPEC and before the Intellectual Property office in various trademark and passing off disputes. In 2011 he was awarded Oxford University’s prestigious Diploma in Intellectual Property Law.

Recent Cases:

  • Directors’ dispute
  • Boundary dispute involving adverse possession claim
  • Orders for sale of property
  • Freezing injunction
  • Urgent injunctions and economic torts trial for the withdrawal of youtube copyright claims alleged to be fraudulent
  • Neighbour right of way and harassment claim
  • Proprietary estoppel trial
  • Rectification and estoppel of a commercial lease
  • Trademark and passing off cases in IPEC
  • Trademark appeal in UKIPO

Reported Cases


Oxford University – Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice (2010-2011)

Gray’s Inn – Called to the Bar (2009)

BPP London – Bar Vocational Course Very Competent (2007-2009)

BPP London – Graduate Diploma In Law Commendation (Part Time) (2005-2007)

Cambridge University (Churchill College) – BA (Hons) 2(i) / MA Cantab (1996 / 1999)

Phoenix Dispute Solutions – Mediation training – 2021

CIArb Mediation training 2022



Jonathan Gale

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Jonathan Gale
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