Peter Haynes KC represents Appellants before the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission

Peter Haynes KC
Written by:

Guy Dunwoody


The Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC) has given judgment in Arumugam & Others v The Secretary of State for the Home Department in a case of political, historical and legal significance. The POAC, who determine whether terrorist organisations should remain on the government’s proscribed list, has only ever sat on four cases.

Peter Haynes KC, leading Shanthi Sivakumaran of Doughty Street Chambers, represented the Appellants; members of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE). The TGTE brought proceedings due to a belief that their campaigning “for a separate state of Tamil Eelam are hampered by what they describe as a conflation of these aims with the historical objectives of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).” The Appellants lodged an appeal against the Secretary of State’s decision to maintain proscription of LTTE, more commonly known as the Tamil Tigers, as a terrorist organisation. The appeal was heard 13-14 March 2024 and judgment given on 21st June 2024.

Although the appeal was dismissed, Peter was commended by the commission who wished to “specifically record our admiration for Mr Haynes’ precise and moderate submissions in support of his clients’ case. They have been extremely well-served by him and by his junior”.


Written by Guy Dunwoody
