News & Events

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Mirza Ahmed
Personal Injury

Mirza Ahmad’s Top Tips for Trials via Skype for Business

By Mirza Ahmad, Barrister A. Pre – Trial considerations Communication / IT issues 1. Check to make sure your instructing solicitors, the court and your client have your direct contact details (e-mail and mobile number); 2. Get solicitors to...

Molly Giles

When is it unfair to conduct a hearing remotely? A look at Re P (A Child: Remote Hearing) [2020] EWFC 32

by Molly Giles, Barrister. In the current climate the court and all parties are having to grapple with the thorny issue of the appropriateness for a family law hearing to proceed remotely; particularly concerning contested issues. Experience...

Business & Property

What property remedies are available during the Covid-19 lockdown?

by John Aldis, Barrister This article should be read in conjunction with an article on “urgency” in the Business & Property Courts in Birmingham prepared by James Morgan QC and me found here, How Urgent is Urgent? Prioritising of Work in the...

Office walking

COVID-19 Case study: Managing the Employment Law Risks

COVID-19 Case Study: Managing the Employment Law Risks Join us for a free webinar in which our employment specialists will be discussing employment law issues with a Coronavirus Case Study. Speakers: Sarah George is a specialist employment law...

St Philips Chambers reception
Business & Property

Latest Guidance on Search and Seizure Order Applications pursuant to Section 365 of the Insolvency Act 1986

by Raghav Trivedi, Pupil Barrister The High Court’s recent judgment in Lasytsya v Koumettou [2020] EWHC 660 (Ch) has produced crucial guidance in relation to (i) the factors to take into account when considering whether to grant a search and...

St Philips Chambers reception

Remote Paperless Working Guides

St Philips Family Law Practice Group have put together a series of short videos to assist you with remote paperless working, please follow the links below: A guide to Dropbox by Bethany Armitage How to get the most out of zoom by Bethany Armitage...

Back of Barristers
Business & Property

UPDATED 24.04.20: How urgent is urgent – Prioritising of work in the Business and Property Courts in Birmingham

Introduction We are living and practising in a time without precedent. The need for social distancing and the self-isolation of judges and staff mean that the court is prioritising “urgent” applications and trials. There is no overarching...

Covid managing employment law risks seminar flyer

COVID-19 Case study: Managing the Employment Law Risks

To register for this event please click on this link: REGISTRATION CLOSED