News & Events

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Zaheer Afzal

Court of Appeal Considers the Principle of Disclosure Relating to Electronic Records Held by Prosecution Witnesses

Court of Appeal Considers the Principle of Disclosure Relating to Electronic Records Held by Prosecution Witnesses – CB and Sultan Mohammed v The Queen [2020] EWCA Crim 790 Review by Zaheer Afzal, Barrister at Law The Crime Group at St Philips...

St Philips Chambers reception
Personal Injury

The Irish High Court awards €87,238 for psychiatric injury to a witness of a fatal road traffic accident

Mr Justice David Keane on 3rd April 2020 found that despite the fact that the deceased driver was the tortfeasor of a road traffic collision, he owed a stranger to the scene a duty of care not to cause her a reasonably foreseeable injury in the form...

Matt Cullen

Two New Important Judgments

Despite the Covid19 pandemic causing criminal courts in England and Wales to grind to a near halt, decisions have continued to flow from our higher courts. Two recent Judgments are of particular interest and potential importance. Sutherland v Her...

St Philips Chambers reception

St Philips barristers warn convicted landlords over possible confiscation

Delighted to see St Philips Barristers, Kevin Hegarty and Ben Close featured in LocalGov talking about how the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) can be used by local authorities in the current climate. Learn more:

Family finance

St Philips Family Finance Team Demonstrate a Mock Virtual Private FDR

On Monday 27th July 2020 at 16:00, as part of our continued collaborative efforts during these difficult times, St Philips Barristers have teamed up with Spratt Endicott Solicitors, together with the Oxford and Milton Keynes Resolutions. We will...

St. Philips Chambers
Business & Property

Light Touch Administrations: a silver bullet, or a live hand grenade?

As retail insolvencies continue to rise, and amidst ongoing economic uncertainty, insolvency and restructuring professionals are increasingly exploring whether a ‘light touch administration’ is appropriate for their clients. In this new article...

Julie Duane

Running out of time

A question often asked regarding Early Conciliation and timescales for issuing claims, is: “What happens where new claims arise following the issue of an Early Conciliation certificate, but before proceedings have been initiated. Can a Claimant...

St Philips Chambers reception
Personal Injury

Elaine Robinson v Department for Work and Pensions

[2020] EWCA Civ 859, 2020 WL 03643325 Ms Robinson, an experienced administrator at the DWP’s debt management department, suffered from blurred vision amounting to a disability. Her disability caused her to suffer migraines when using a computer,...