Julie Sparrow successful at Court of Appeal

Julie Sparrow
Written by:

Mark Mansell


Julie Sparrow represented the children in a successful appeal against a decision to allow contact with a father convicted of rape.

Lord Justice Peter Jackson, delivering the judgment on Tuesday 24th September 2024, allowed the mother’s appeal against a decision of Mrs Justice Lieven in private law proceedings. The father, then a serving police officer, had been convicted of 2 counts of rape against the mother and was serving a total of 12 years imprisonment.

The judge had made final orders in a short remote hearing for face to face contact in the prison 3 times a year and monthly telephone calls. The Court of Appeal found the judge had failed to adequately evaluate the relevant factors including the impact on the mother, did not refer to the welfare checklist or Practice Direction 12J and did not give reasons for departing from the advice of the guardian.

The case is reported as Re M (Children: Contact in Prison) 2024 EWCA Civ 1104


Written by Mark Mansell
