Join us for an Enlightening Real Estate Litigation Conference – 16 Nov

Real Estate
Written by:

Justin Luckman


We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming Real Estate Litigation Conference. This free half-day event promises to be an insightful experience, featuring a lineup of seven speakers from our team. 

Lunch will also be provided, where you can engage in meaningful conversations with our speakers and fellow attendees.

Conference agenda:

10.30- Registration, tea and coffee

10.50- Welcome: Anthony Verduyn

Session 1: John Randall KC

“When does a developer’s option end?”

Session 2: Michelle Caney

Overage: avoiding the pitfalls, exploiting the loopholes, and protecting that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

12.30- Lunch

Conference Programme

Date: Thursday 16th November 2023

Time: 10.30 to 15.00

Venue: St Philips Chambers, 55 Temple Row, Birmingham B2 5LS

Session 3: Gavin McLeod

“Nuances regarding the interpretation/construction of instruments in the sphere of property law”

Session 4: Iqbal Mohammed

” Disputing Title: Claiming beneficial interest

Session 5: John Aldis & Raghav Trivedi

“Dealing with Property on the Death of a Co-Owner”

15.00- Closing remarks: Anthony Verduyn

Why Attend:

  • Gain insights from leading Barristers and deepen your understanding of Real Estate Litigation.
  • Stay updated on the latest legal developments and best practices.
  • Expand your professional network and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals

Guarantee your place by clicking the BOOK NOW button below.

We look forward to welcoming you at this insightful seminar, to share a productive and enjoyable day together.


Written by Justin Luckman
