COVID-19 Continuity planning at St Philips Chambers โ€“ An Important Update

St Philips Chambers reception
Written by:

Joe Wilson


We would like to update you on important matters in relation to our service.

55 Temple Row: Further to the Prime Ministerโ€™s address to the nation on 23rd March in response to the current international health crisis, we have taken the decision to temporarily close our offices at 55 Temple Row, Birmingham, until further notice.

Whilst our building is closed, we remain OPEN for business.  All staff are now be working from home and are fully contactable via email or by dialling their direct numbers, which are forwarded to their mobile phones. All direct numbers and emails are accessible via our contact us page.

Delivery of Briefs/Instructions: We would ask that ALL Briefs/instructions are sent electronically via email or our Dropbox facility. As the building is now closed, we will NOT be able to receive hard copy papers. If you do need to deliver hard copy papers, please contact the clerks direct who will try and assist.

Cheques: We will no longer be accepting payment for Counselsโ€™ fees by way of cheque for the foreseeable future. We apologise for this inconvenience, which is necessary in the circumstances. We are committed to making the process easy for all of our clients and have set up a central bank account for you to make payments.

Please contact one of our finance team below who will be happy to assist you in making payment

 Tom Clarke                           Head of Finance   0121 246 2173

Elaine Hutton                       Senior Fees Clerk 0121 246 2171

Maria Bell                             Criminal Fees Clerk 0121 246 2056

George Ruff                          Family Fees Clerk 0121 246 2170

Richard Cashmore               Civil Fees Clerk 0121 246 2122

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continuing support. We wish you well in these challenging and unprecedented times.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Chambers Director, Joe Wilson on 0121 246 2138 or via

Written by Joe Wilson
