Barry Harwood-Ferreira gains two new appointments

Barry Harwood-Ferreira
Written by:

Lauren Matthews


Chambers congratulates Door Tenant, Barry Harwood-Ferreira on his two recent appointments, firstly as a national committee member to the Bar Council of England & Wales.

The Bar Council represents the Bar community and promotes its role at the heart of the justice system in England and Wales. It offers a range of services, member benefits, online advice and practical guidance for all types of barristers and provides support to the profession. The Bar Council sees its job is to secure the best and brightest minds across England and Wales, regardless of background or ethnicity, to help secure the future of the Bar and ensure inclusivity, diversity and social mobility.

Barryโ€™s other appointment is to return to Manchester Metropolitan University, where he was previously a senior lecturer in Law.

Barry will teach at the award winning faculty of Business & Law as a visiting academic lecturer teaching employment law to HRM professionals on a Masters degree programme, as part of their studies towards an MSc in HRM.

Written by Lauren Matthews
