
See all our latest news, blogs and events here:

Universally Challenging

Universally Challenging

Tuesday 5th October 2021 17:30 – 18:30 This one-hour seminar will seek to address some of the current tricky legal and procedural issues facing financial remedy practitioners using an informative and interesting format loosely based upon...

Jack Redmond

Judicial appointment for family barrister Jack Redmond

Under section 46 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has appointed St Philips family barrister Jack Redmond to be a nominated judge of the Court of Protection in an expansion of his fee-paid...

Barrister wig

Pupillage News

Due to the success of the specialist Family Pupillage programme over the past three years, we are delighted to announce that three new specialist Family pupils are starting with us in October. We would like to welcome the three new specialist...

Andrew Bainham

A second bite of the cherry? Fact-finding after withdrawal of care proceedings

Delighted to see another St Philips Barrister, Andrew Bainham in this article for Family Law considering the evidential issues in cases involving care proceedings. Learn more:

Jonathan Nosworthy

Brexit’s effect on Family Law under scrutiny in webinar

With so much uncertainty over Brexit, one major area impacted is that of family law. We at St Philips Chambers are pleased to have been involved in a detailed webinar, hosted by Birmingham Law Society, in which St Philips Barrister, Jonathan...

Gemma Bowes

Vaccination and children law in the time of coronavirus – a public/private divide?

Delighted to see an article written by St Philips Barrister, Gemma Bowes on ‘Vaccination and children law in the time of coronavirus’ has been published by Family Law. On 5 February 2020, well before the extent of the impact that coronavirus...

Jack Redmond

Judicial appointment confirmed for St Philips Family Barrister

The St Philips Family Law Practice Group are delighted to announce that Jack Redmond has been appointed Recorder. Her Majesty the Queen, on the advice and recommendation of the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, has...

Juliet Allen

St Philips member wins Worcestershire Barrister of the Year award

We are honoured to announce that Juliet Allen, one of our family team, has been given the accolade of The Worcestershire Law Society Barrister of the Year for 2020. Despite the current restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, the event took...