Rajinder Gill

Rajinder Gill

Rajinder Gill


Rajinder Gill is an experienced specialist in serious crime and regulatory law who is regularly involved in high profile and complex cases attracting both national and local media coverage. He has been instructed in a wide range of cases including murder, multi million pound frauds and, organised criminal activity. A committed, forceful but measured jury advocate, he is dedicated in his preparation but also prides himself on being friendly and approachable. As well as serious crime and fraud, he has experience in professional discipline matters having represented a number of nurses, social workers and, other professionals before their regulatory bodies.

Areas of expertise include cases involving children and vulnerable witnesses, cases involving serious organised crime including cell site and mobile telephone evidence. Rajinder often appears alone against leading and junior prosecution counsel together.

Instructions in 2020 include two multi handed county line drug conspiracies each involving around 180 000 pages of evidence, a multi handed firearms conspiracy and, a historic sex case involving multiple allegations of buggery and indecent assault.

Rajinder is returning to the Midlands circuit having practised in London for over 15 years. He has a national practice appearing frequently in the Midlands and the South East.

Homicide (Murder and Manslaughter)

Rajinder has been instructed to defend in a number of allegations of murder. He has also defended alone in multi-handed allegations of attempted murder.

Organised Crime and Terrorism

Rajinder is increasingly instructed in multi-handed cases involving allegations of organised crime. He is very experienced in dealing with cases that rely largely on mobile telephone and cell site evidence, covert observations and recordings by undercover officers.  In such cases he is known for identifying the key issues, and taking a strategic approach to best present a defendant’s case.

  • R v YM & others (St. Albans Crown Court) – This was a ten-handed trial involving the importation of sub machine guns. There were over 180 000 pages of served prosecution evidence. Defendant successfully fought the trial on the basis that he was drug dealer not gun runner. The defence analysed the vast mobile telephone evidence and demonstrated that it was consistent with street dealing not gun running. This was a 3 months trial. Those who were convicted received sentences of life imprisonment. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-40964995
  • R v DL & others (Blackfriars Crown Court) – This was a nine handed case involving a county lines drug conspiracy.  Again the case relied on a huge amount of mobile and telephone evidence – some 140 000 pages. Through careful analysis of cell site evidence the defence were able to demonstrate that certain drug lines must have been in the hands of others. The defendant was one of only two defendants who the jury were unable to reach a verdict on. The case is listed for re-trial in 2020. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-49700286
  • R v RF & others (Maidstone Crown Court) – This is a nine handed conspiracy involving another county lines drug conspiracy. The case relies on vast quantities of mobile telephone and cell site, covert observations and recordings evidence (185 000 pages). The case is ongoing.
  • Rv JM & others (Winchester Crown Court) – This was an eight handed allegation involving an international conspiracy to supply multiple kilos of Class A drugs from Bangladesh into the UK via air cargo. The case involved a huge undercover operation and covert recordings. The case involved complicated issues of interpretation of the probe recordings from Sylheti into English, and various submissions about its admissibility.

Serious Sexual Offences

Rajinder has had considerable success in defending serious sexual offences. He is well experienced in sensitive cross-examinations of children witnesses. A number of the cases he has been involved in have attracted national media attention.

  • R v JS & others (Lincoln Crown Court) – Successfully represented the defendant on a number of allegations involving sex trafficking and sexual activity with children. This was a complicated case involving in excess of 17 000 pages. The case resulted from a complex police investigation in respect of vulnerable children in the care of social services. The preparation of the defence case necessitated analysis of cell-site evidence, phone records and, ANPR records. There was also a large volume of third party material to examine, some of which formed the basis for the cross-examination of child witnesses. The co-defendant was convicted and sentenced to 12 years. https://lincolnshirereporter.co.uk/2016/11/man-sent-taxi-to-take-girl-from-lincolnshire-childrens-home-for-sex-in-london-hotel/
  • R v AH (Guilford Crown Court) – This was a case that involved an allegation of rape by a deputy manager of a care home, of a severely mentally disabled patient in his care. Mr. Hosein was found not guilty of all charges after a trial. This was a highly sensitive case involving the cross examination of a very vulnerable complainant. It also involved the cross examination of a number of medical experts. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3421347/Care-home-deputy-manager-raped-severely-disabled-female-resident-bedroom-twice.html
  • R v GD (with Henry Grunwald QC) (Inner London Crown Court) – This was a high profile case involving an international figure and allegations of multiple rapes. The defence obtained a computer expert mid trial to demonstrate that a prosecution witness had tampered with and edited video footage that was adduced during the trial. The defence case was that these were malicious allegations by a spurned lover. The defendant was found not guilty on all counts. Instructed on a private basis. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/28/miracle-babies-preacher-gilbert-deya-sex-offences-rape

Fraud, Business and Financial Fraud

Rajinder has been involved in several complex frauds involving careful preparation and consideration of large numbers of financial documents. Although frauds are often document heavy Rajinder is able to strip the allegation down to its core issues enabling complicated cases to be presented simply to juries.

Serious Violence

  • R v JT (2018) (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – A harrowing acid attack that received widespread national and international press coverage. The victims were an aspiring young model and her older cousin involving life-changing injuries. The defendant suffered from multiple mental health issues. He pleaded guilty to s18 GBH and received an extended sentence of 16 years. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/20/man-jailed-for-16-years-for-acid-attack-on-womans-21st-birthday
  • R v AB & another (Worcester Crown Court) – This was an extremely serious allegation involving an allegation of s18 GBH by a father on his 6 week old baby. The baby suffered multiple fractures. The case involved the cross examination of a number of medical experts as to causation of injuries. Rajinder appeared alone for the father, Queens Counsel and junior counsel prosecuted the case.
  • R v TL & Others (Shrewsbury Crown Court) – A ten-days trial involving 7 defendants alleging joint enterprise s18 GBH and violent disorder. Life threatening injuries sustained from a prolonged axe and samurai sword attack. Prosecution witnesses were so discredited that the prosecution accepted pleas to violent disorder approaching the end of their case. https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/crime/2018/07/06/three-in-court-over-telford-wounding-case/


LL.B (Hons) – London School of Economics
King Edward’s School, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham.

Appointments and Memberships

Criminal Bar Association

Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers

CyberCrime Practitioners Association


“Rajinder has all the assets needed to be a highly-skilled barrister. His quiet, self-effacing manner belies his extremely sharp, perceptive mind. His attention to detail is second to none and his bedside manner with clients is to be much admired. A definite must on anyone’s short list.” Legal 500 2025

Rajinder is extremely good at calming nervous clients who are new to the criminal justice system and building confidence with them. He is a likeable barrister which is good for client relationships. The effort he puts in is always 110% and his attention to detail shows in trials.’ Legal 500 2023

‘Rajinder has the ability to relax his clients and obtain the best from them in terms of both extracting information and giving evidence. His attention to detail is second to none and his skilful, quiet advocacy is powerful.’ Legal 500 2022

‘His style is admirable and his work ethic impressive.’ Legal 500 2021

‘He has the ability to grab the bull by the horns in cases of complexity.’ Legal 500



Rajinder Gill

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Rajinder Gill
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