Chambers Champions Diversity Through Support for BDABar’s Mini-Pupillage Scheme

Written by:

Guy Dunwoody


St Philips Chambers’ Criminal Group is pleased to host a mini-pupil this week as part of the Bringing (Dis)Ability to the Bar Mini-Pupillage Scheme.

This important initiative offers aspiring disabled barristers practical work experience across different chambers and organisations at the Employed Bar. Participants can watch court hearings, learn about daily life as a barrister, and build connections with legal professionals.

These short placements play a key role in helping aspiring barristers see the profession firsthand and make informed career choices. They also help break down barriers to entry into the legal profession.

At St Philips Chambers, we’re working with BDABar to improve access and create a more inclusive setting for everyone – from mini-pupils to full members and clients.

We remain committed to supporting this scheme and helping to create a more diverse legal profession.

Written by Guy Dunwoody
