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Sandamini Ethakada

The Legal Landscape post – RE H- N: Where are we now?

An article by Sandamini Ethakada. The Judgment handed down in the case of Re H-N and Others (children) (domestic abuse: finding of fact hearings) [2021] EWCA Civ 448 (hereafter Re H-N) by the Court of Appeal on 30 March 2021, was, in many respects a...

Carolyn & Bethany

Carolyn Jones and Bethany Armitage appear in unique case

Carolyn Jones and Bethany Armitage appear in a unique and interesting case in The Family Court involving a sperm donor. The donor was named by the court in a bid to warn other members of the public about the inherent difficulties and concerns arising...

Yolanda Pemberton with Red Bag

Yolanda Pemberton awarded red bag by Lorna Meyer QC

Congratulations from all at Chambers to Yolanda Pemberton who has been awarded a red bag by Lorna Meyer QC of No 5 Barristers’ Chambers in recognition of her outstanding work.

Meredith Rawsthorne

“Persuasion not pressure” – what can the court do if a local authority refuses an invitation to amend a care plan?

Meredith Rawsthorne writes: The relationship between the courts and local authorities has been described as a partnership through mutual respect in order to achieve an outcome which is in the best interests of the child. (Re S and W (Care...

Miranda Lopez

Deprivation of Liberty Orders Under The Inherent Jurisdiction

Below, pupil barrister Miranda Lopez discusses if it is correct to use the Inherent Jurisdiction of the High Court to sanction the placement of children under the age of sixteen in unregulated placements and/or to deprive such children of their...

St. Philips Chambers

Personal injury pay-outs: Should they go into the marital pot?

Pupil barrister Jack Best writes: It could be quite sensible to presume that when spouses are dividing their finances after a marital breakdown, any personal injury monies awarded to one (or both) of the parties should not be taken into consideration...

Gemma Bowes

WITH ALL DUE RESPECT… Remote Hearings and Family Justice

With all due respect… remote hearings and family justice; an article by barrister Gemma Bowes. In an early episode of the drama Peaky Blinders, the viewer is shown a flashback to the arbitrary and spiteful removal of Aunt Polly’s two children...

Bethany Armitage

2 for the price of 1, the court deals with ‘needs cases’

Family Barrister Bethany Armitage writes: The bread and butter for most practitioners will be the oh so familiar “small money” cases, they require little introduction, a reflection of the average client who requires legal assistance. The vast...