Regulatory Information

Barristers in chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

You can search the Barristers’ Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website by clicking here.

The Barristers’ Register is an online database which displays details of all barristers authorised to practise in England Wales and who have a current practising certificate. The register will display dates for which a barristers’ practising certificate is valid. It includes information about a barristers’ practising status, their practising address, the reserved legal activities they are authorised to undertake and whether they have been the subject of any disciplinary findings which are published on the website.

Alternatively, you can contact the Bar Standards Board on 020 7611 1444 to ask about this (or e-mail: ).

The register and other useful information can all be accessed by using the Legal Choices website. Legal Choices provides support by giving you independent and factual information about legal issues and lawyers.

Company Information

St Philips Chambers Ltd is a service company which provides support to Barristers enabling them to provide advocacy and advisory legal services.

St Philips Chambers is registered for VAT. Our registered number is: 3647591

For further information on St Philips Chambers Ltd, please follow the link to Companies House:

Each barrister at St Philips Chambers is required to maintain their own professional indemnity insurance cover provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Ltd (BMIF). The level of cover held by each barrister will vary dependent upon the type of work they undertake.  It is important to check the level of cover held by a barrister prior to instructing them as their individual liability (including Costs) will not under any circumstance exceed the amount actually recovered on a claim made under their professional indemnity insurance policy or policies.

More information about the BMIF can be found here.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO.) is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

St Philips Chambers is registered with the ICO. Our Registration details are:

  • Registration number: Z4568583
  • Date registered: 10 May 2000
  • Registration expires: 9 May 2023

Individual Members of Chambers are also registered with the ICO. Please refer to their individual barrister profiles for further details.

More information about the ICO can be found here:

Please see our Privacy Notice.

We are committed to making sure that our Chambers’ website is as accessible to all as possible.  Our webpages may be viewed on a range of different screen sizes and you may also change the size of the text on your browser.  The sitemap has plain text links and can be navigated using the tab key.  If you would prefer to receive the information from our website in an alternative format, please contact a member of the clerking team.

For further assistance and to view a step-by-step guide to individual adjustments you can make to your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone to make it easier to use, please click here to visit the AbilityNet website.

If you experience any difficulties accessing our website, please click here to contact a member of our marketing team.

Equality and Diversity

In line with the Bar Standards Board’s new Equality and Diversity Rules of the Code of Conduct, St Philips Chambers hereby publish a summary of the data collected in 2020. The information shows data for both members of Chambers (including King’s Counsel) and members of staff (including Senior Managers). Whilst all members of Chambers and staff were invited to complete our Diversity questionnaire, some members did not disclose certain information, which is reflected in our ‘Un-disclosed’ sections. This data was published in June 2020 and we are required to publish up to date information every three years.

St Philips Chambers Diversity Data – 2020

We are also proud to support the 10,000 Black Interns programme which aims to transform the horizons and prospects of young Black people in the UK by offering paid work experience across a wide range of industries, as well as world-class training and development.

10000 Black Interns Logo


Anti-Racist Statement

St Philips Chambers affirms its commitment to recognising, addressing, and eradicating all forms of racism. We affirm that racism is dehumanising to everyone it touches.

We understand that bias can be unconscious and unintentional and that racism is the combination of social and institutional power in combination with racial prejudice. We acknowledge that identifying racism as an issue does not automatically mean that those involved in the act are racist or intended the negative impact.

As an anti-racist organisation, we will strive to identify, discuss, and challenge issues of race, colour, and ethnicity, and the impact they have on clients, staff, and members. We will challenge ourselves to understand and correct any inequities we may discover and gain a better understanding of ourselves.

We are resolved to affirm explicitly, and in united solidarity, our identity as an anti-racist organisation.

We are committed to individual and institutional exploration and examination of implicit bias and systemic advantage and oppression such that our anti-racism commitment be reflected in the life and culture of St Philips Chambers through our policies, programs, and practices.

We commit to the development and implementation of strategies and best practises to dismantle racism and ethnic oppression within all aspects of our organisation, community, and society.

A key element of our commitments is to create a working environment in which members, staff, and clients from all backgrounds can live and work free from prejudice, discrimination, and marginalisation.

To achieve our commitments, we will build on the work outlined in the Bar Standards Board’s Anti-Racist Statement to:

  • Engage with members of Chambers from diverse backgrounds to complete a race equality audit in order to identify potential barriers to race equality.
  • Design and implement positive action measures where auditing shows an underrepresentation of, or adverse impact on, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, following the guidance of the Bar Council on positive action.
  • Implement comprehensive anti-racist training for all barristers and staff, supporting the implementation of practical, tailored strategies to have a positive impact on behavioural and cultural change.

This statement has been made to demonstrate our commitment to holding ourselves accountable and taking action. Organisations claiming to be anti-racist must expect to be judged by the results of their actions and not just their intentions. St Philips Chambers is prepared to undertake that challenge.



Barristers in chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

In any modern business, managing wellbeing is non-negotiable. St Philips take the wellbeing of its barristers and staff very seriously.

In April 2018, St Philips established its Wellbeing Committee formed of 4 barristers, 2 clerks and 1 member of the administration team. The aim of the committee is to: (a.) further the interests of barristers, clerks and non-clerking staff members in respect of their physical, mental and emotional health; (b.) to promote opportunities for their personal and professional development; and to (c.) promote the cohesion and wellbeing of chambers.

The Wellbeing Committee identified 3 key needs which it felt required investment in order to continue to move forward as a successful, modern set of Chambers, with barrister and staff welfare at the forefront of its strategy:

  1. The need for barristers to feel part of a cohesive unit; to ensure retention, motivation and the avoidance of burn-out. This would keep barristers healthy and happy, which would lead to increased efficiency and quality of work; and reduce sudden absences on grounds of stress etc. It would also foster a cohesion and team spirit at a time when agile/remote working is becoming more prevalent (thereby reducing their ‘face-time’ in chambers);
  2. The need for the clerks, especially junior clerks, to be given opportunities to develop and improve. Again, this was to not only to encourage retention and to promote Chambers as a responsible employer, but also to drive performance in the clerks’ room and within the administration team;
  3. The need for staff to be rewarded and appreciated. Again, this is to improve retention and motivation, promote chambers as a responsible employer, and to create a happier workforce which would, in turn, reduce the amount of management time taken up with staff issues.

What have Chambers done since the inception of the Wellbeing Committee?

  • Established a formal partnership with Chaplaincy Plus, a local charity that provides chaplaincy and listening services for barristers or staff; The only Chambers in the country to do so;
  • Created a budget solely for the purpose of promoting wellbeing;
  • Secured visible support from the Head of Chambers and the management committee (“The Board”);
  • Introduced a regular ‘chambers tea’ which, outside of London, is relatively unusual – and recognised the need to continue to facilitate social events where barristers and staff can mix;
  • Set up in-house sporting activities (boxing, Yoga and running to name but a few);
  • Hosted a seminar on the topic of “Making A Difference in a Performance Culture”, presented by the previous FD of a multi-national ‘household name’ company, with more seminars and workshops to come;
  • Introducing staff incentive schemes (‘extra mile’ award);
  • Facilitated participation in mentoring and tutoring of talented low-income A-Level/GCSE students via The Access Project (hosting an information session, and signposting those who wish to volunteer);
  • Ensued that a mix of people from across Chambers undertook formal mental health first aid training, to truly be able to identify the myriad of symptoms associated with mental health.

In September 2018, Chambers was awarded a ‘Certificate of Recognition’ from the Bar Council, with the Wellbeing at the Bar Working Group commenting: “St Philips has a well-considered approach to wellbeing, establishing a committee with senior level buy-in to drive forward initiatives and maintain focus. We were particularly impressed with links made to a local charity that provides chaplaincy and listening services for barristers or staff.”


St Philips Chambers prides itself on the excellence of its service. If at any time you have any concerns about the quality of the services of our barristers or members of staff you are invited to let know as soon as possible. Any such concerns should be raised through our clerking team and, in particular through the senior clerk of the respective practice area.

If you feel that the concern or matter you have raised has not been dealt with to your satisfaction, then you may wish make a formal complaint, through our formal complaints procedure, full details of which can be found here: Complaints Procedure.

Our Complaints Procedure can also be downloaded here >>>.

If you are still not satisfied, you may have the choice of taking up your complaint with the Legal Ombudsman – the independent body set up to help you if you have complained about your lawyer and are not satisfied with the response. Their website details how to complain and sets out any time limits for making a complaint:

You can also search the decision data on Legal Obudsman website via the link below:

This shows which providers of legal services received on Ombudsman’s decision in the previous 12 months.

Alternatively, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman on 0300 555 0333 or on:

St Philips Chambers will always try and resolve disputes on behalf of their members. However, if the need arises, St Philips would encourage the use of the Bar Council’s ADR Service. More information can be found here: